Create Fake Virus Alert in system
Hello Friends, Today i have bring one more very funny and interesting topic for you. As in my some previous posts i have told about some fun tricks with your friends. So today i have bring one more funny topic for you. You can make fun with your friends in today tricks you can make a funny virus alert which will show then a virus alert same as i attached picture. So for doing this keep reading this post. Note:- This is only for educational purpose. So i request you to do not misuse of this tricks and try it on your own responsibility. Now let's start the steps:- First of all copy below mention codes and paste it in your notepad file @echo off title WARNING cls echo WARNING! a virus have been detected on your computer hit the y key to delete your hard drive now or n to delete it after your next reboot pause >nul echo Are You Sure hit the y key for yes or the n key for no pause >nul echo HARD DRIVE HAS BEEN DELETED. COMPUTER CRASHING NOW...